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Jesus Heals the Man with Dropsy

Jesus Heals the Man With Dropsy

Jesus on a Sabbath day went to the house of one of the chief Pharisees to eat with him. The people watched him to see what he would do. Many of them were constantly trying to find fault with him and looking for something with which to accuse him.

There was a man in the house who had dropsy. Today we would call the condition edema. When people have this condition, water accumulates in the tissues and causes the feet, legs and other parts of the body to swell. It can be very uncomfortable and can also become serious.

Jesus asked the lawyers and the Pharisees, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day?"

They did not answer him at all, but kept silent. Jesus took the man and healed him. He then let the man leave.

He knew what the Jewish rulers were thinking. On other occasions they had told him it was not lawful for him to heal on the Sabbath. He said to them, "Which of you, if you have a donkey or an ox fall into a pit, don't you pull him out even though it is the Sabbath day?"

Again they refused to answer him because they knew it was not against the law to rescue a suffering animal that needed help, even on the Sabbath day. If they now said it was a sin to heal this man on the Sabbath, it would have made them look as if they had no compassion for people who were suffering.

This is the twenty-ninth recorded miracle of Jesus.

Luke 14:1-6

Zip Code 00-14-0

Memory Hook

For our memory hook we observe the preacher baptizing a man sitting in a chair. He cannot stand alone for he has dropsy. He is very unstable and off balance and falls a lot.

The preacher has called for assistance for he is about to drown the man. He has dropped the poor man 14 times already! (children count as they lower their hands 14 times as if dropping something)

sitting+14 = Luke 14


This zip code means the account is found in the 14th chapter of Luke (14). It is not found in Matthew or Mark (00), nor in John (0).

(Remember this hook)
  • Head = Matthew
  • Arms = Mark
  • Waist = Luke
  • Feet = John


Story and Word Scramble *

Word Match *

Work a Jigsaw Puzzle

Jesus Heals the Stooped Woman The Raising of Lazarus

The Miracles of Jesus

Water to Wine

Nobleman's Son

Catch of Fish

Healing of Demoniac

Peter's Mother-in-Law

Leper Healed

Down Through the Roof


Crippled Hand

Centurion's Servant

Widow's Son

Blind Dumb Man

Jesus Calms the Storm

Gadarene Demoniac

Bleeding Woman

Jairus' Daughter

Blind Demoniac

Feeding of the 5000

Jesus Walks on Water


Deaf Dumb Healed

Feeding of the 4000

Blind Man

Boy With Demon

Tax Money from a Fish

Man Blind From Birth

Mute Man

Stooped Woman

Man with Dropsy

Lazarus Raised

Ten Lepers Healed

Blind Bartimaeus

Fig Tree Cursed

Malchus' Ear Healed

Second Catch of Fish
. .

*Word Scramble Solution

*Word Match Solution

Puzzles on these pages courtesy of
Songs of Praise and Armored Penguin