Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
This Bible study method using Garden of Praise Bible stories was written by author Amy Oberg to teach her daughter the Word of God.
Others have asked for the course and we are presenting it here free of charge for you to print your own book.
No doctrine has been inserted into the Bible stories other than the teachings of the Bible. The author has included some background information about the times and customs of Bible days. Printable and online activities to accompany the stories may be found at Children's Bible Lessons.
Scripture Journal
Before you do your homework everyday...
1. Pick a scripture.
2. Find it in YOUR Bible.
3. Write the date.
4. Write the scripture from YOUR Bible.
5. Check it off.
Bible Stories
Highlight the... “who”, “what”, “when”, “where”, “why” and “how”.
Highlighting technique derived from Kay Arthur precepts.
Don’t forget the most important part… the GOD part!!
Parent participation with the child is important. As they work together the child is growing spiritually and gaining a foundation which will last a lifetime. In addition the bond between parent and child is strengthened through these times of study. He/she experiences the love and concern of the parent.

Print the book and have it bound.

Copy the Bible verses

Highlight key words in the story
How to Print the Book
Print the PDF of the REAL Bible Study book.
Use colored stock card paper for pages 1-2, 7-8, 31-32, 119-120. These are the reference pages for the highlighting colors and tips including the books of the Bible. (easier to find for the kiddos in color and a heavier paper)
Take your book to your local office supply. (We use Office Depot.) Specify a clear plastic cover and a heavy black plastic back for your book.
Ask them to punch the holes and bind with a comb.
If you need multiple copies make a set of masters and have the office supply print the books for you. Cost per book will be around $14.
The colors used in the book are:
Highlighters: Yellow, Orange, Pink, Blue, Green and Purple
Pens: Red and Black
These pens are hot glued by their pen cap into a tea light holder for easy use. It's also quite fun. (to do this each pen must have a pen cap, it can't be a push pen or retractable)
The composition notebook has been scrap-booked and stickered according to personality—also a very fun parent-child activity.
Amy Oberg with her daughter Emma
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