Tune: He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
( 4 measure introduction)


Use a pro-nou-n
In the place of a noun .
Words as she, he and it
Can be found.
A group is just called "we"
If it in-cludes you.
O-ther-wise use "they". Please do.

He refers to a boy, big and tall.
She is al-ways a girl, some-times small.
It de-scribes a thing that is with-out life
As a fork or spoon or knife.

Repeat chorus

I call my-self I ,I ,I
We as a group can cli-mb, high, high, high.
I can point to you-ou, you, you, you.
And no o-ther word will do.

Repeat Chorus

I have a brand new rhy-thm,
Just for me .
This is my sweet mu-sic,
Don't you see?
If you agree then we will do just fine,
And this song will soon be mine .

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Object of
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Thanks to Bill Basham for the use of the midi.