Song by Darlene Conner

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Four measure introduction

Es-ther was a beau-ti-ful girl.
She made King Xer-xes head go whirl.
Mor-de-cai would not bow down.
He made Ha-man's head to pound.

He-ro, He-ro, Es-ther was a he-ro..
He-ro, He-ro, Es-ther was a SHE-RO!!

Es-ther had cour-age and faith-ful-ness.
She would have to meet the test.
She knew the king could be mad at her,
But he held out his gold scep-ter.

He-ro, He-ro, Es-ther was a he-ro..
He-ro, He-ro, Es-ther was a SHE-RO!!


Listen now and learn from me;
Es-ther loved God's fam-i-ly.
She stood strong when things were bad.
Her peo-ple went from sad to glad.

He-ro, He-ro, Es-ther was a he-ro..
He-ro, He-ro, Es-ther was a SHE-RO!!!

We must be loy-al to God you see,
And honest we must al-ways be.
We must stand up for our God.
He does such an awe-some job.

He-ro, He-ro. We must be a he-ro.
He-ro, He-ro, Maybe be a SHE-RO !!!

The words to this song were written by Darlene Conner, talented music teacher at Dallas Christian School. The tune is a familiar children's song.

In the "Hero" chorus, the boys continue to sing "He-ro" over and over again on the two notes as the girls sing the words "Esther was a he-ro" and "Esther was a She-ro".

Thank you, Darlene for sharing with us!

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