Name ____________________________ Date _______________________
Lesson 13 Test - Ruth
1. Elimelech took his family and left his home because there was a _______________________

    in the land.

2. They went to a country called __________________________.

3. What happened to Naomi's husband and sons?  __________________________________


4. Naomi's daughter-in-law named ________________________ returned with her to the 

    town of __________________________.

5. What is "gleaning"? ________________________________________________________



6. Naomi's daughter-in-law worked in the field of _______________________.

7.  How was this man kind to her?  ______________________________________________




8.  To seal an agreement in those days, a man would take off his ________________________.

9. ______________________   _____________________ was the great-grandson of Ruth.


Naomi King protect Jericho David
died snowstorm sandal field Ruth
Moab famine harvest Orpah Canaan
grain Bethlehem Boaz rings Jerusalem